Title: | Semiparametric Efficient Estimation for a Two-Sample Treatment Effect |
Description: | Performs estimation and testing of the treatment effect in a 2-group randomized clinical trial with a quantitative, dichotomous, or right-censored time-to-event endpoint. The method improves efficiency by leveraging baseline predictors of the endpoint. The inverse probability weighting technique of Robins, Rotnitzky, and Zhao (JASA, 1994) is used to provide unbiased estimation when the endpoint is missing at random. |
Authors: | Michal Juraska <[email protected]>, with contributions from Peter B. Gilbert <[email protected]>, Xiaomin Lu <[email protected]>, Min Zhang <[email protected]>, Marie Davidian <[email protected]>, and Anastasios A. Tsiatis <[email protected]> |
Maintainer: | Michal Juraska <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-2 |
Version: | 1.0.5 |
Built: | 2025-02-17 03:13:39 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/mjuraska/speff2trial |
ACTG 175 was a randomized clinical trial to compare monotherapy with zidovudine or didanosine with combination therapy with zidovudine and didanosine or zidovudine and zalcitabine in adults infected with the human immunodeficiency virus type I whose CD4 T cell counts were between 200 and 500 per cubic millimeter.
A data frame with 2139 observations on the following 27 variables:
patient's ID number
age in years at baseline
weight in kg at baseline
hemophilia (0=no, 1=yes)
homosexual activity (0=no, 1=yes)
history of intravenous drug use (0=no, 1=yes)
Karnofsky score (on a scale of 0-100)
non-zidovudine antiretroviral therapy prior to initiation of study treatment (0=no, 1=yes)
zidovudine use in the 30 days prior to treatment initiation (0=no, 1=yes)
zidovudine use prior to treatment initiation (0=no, 1=yes)
number of days of previously received antiretroviral therapy
race (0=white, 1=non-white)
gender (0=female, 1=male)
antiretroviral history (0=naive, 1=experienced)
antiretroviral history stratification (1='antiretroviral naive', 2='> 1 but 52 weeks of prior
antiretroviral therapy', 3='> 52 weeks')
symptomatic indicator (0=asymptomatic, 1=symptomatic)
treatment indicator (0=zidovudine only, 1=other therapies)
indicator of off-treatment before 965 weeks (0=no,1=yes)
CD4 T cell count at baseline
CD4 T cell count at 205 weeks
CD4 T cell count at 965 weeks (=
if missing)
missing CD4 T cell count at 965 weeks (0=missing, 1=observed)
CD8 T cell count at baseline
CD8 T cell count at 205 weeks
indicator of observing the event in days
number of days until the first occurrence of: (i) a decline in CD4 T cell count of at least 50 (ii) an event indicating progression to AIDS, or (iii) death.
treatment arm (0=zidovudine, 1=zidovudine and didanosine, 2=zidovudine and zalcitabine, 3=didanosine).
The variable days
contains right-censored time-to-event observations. The data set includes
the following post-randomization covariates: CD4 and CD8 T cell count at 205
weeks and the indicator of whether or not the patient was taken off-treatment before 96
5 weeks.
Hammer SM, et al. (1996), "A trial comparing nucleoside monotherapy with combination therapy in HIV-infected adults with CD4 cell counts from 200 to 500 per cubic millimeter.", New England Journal of Medicine, 335:1081–1090.
is used internally by speff
to construct an optimal model for
prediction of the study endpoint or estimation of the missingness mechanism.
modSearch(formula, x, y, endpoint, method, optimal, force.in, nvmax)
modSearch(formula, x, y, endpoint, method, optimal, force.in, nvmax)
formula |
a formula object with the response on the left of the |
x |
a matrix of at least two predictors |
y |
a response vector |
endpoint |
a character string specifying the type of the response variable; possible values are
" |
method |
a character string specifying the type of search technique used in the model selection procedure;
possible values are " |
optimal |
specifies the optimization criterion for model selection; possible values are " |
force.in |
a vector of indices to columns of the design matrix that should be included in each regression model. |
nvmax |
the maximum number of covariates considered for inclusion in a model. |
conducts estimation and testing of the treatment effect in a 2-group randomized
clinical trial with a quantitative or dichotomous endpoint. The method is a special case of Robins, Rotnitzky, and
Zhao (1994, JASA). It improves efficiency by leveraging baseline predictors of the endpoint. The method uses
inverse probability weighting to provide unbiased estimation when the endpoint is missing at random.
speff(formula, endpoint=c("quantitative", "dichotomous"), data, postrandom=NULL, force.in=NULL, nvmax=9, method=c("exhaustive", "forward", "backward"), optimal=c("cp", "bic", "rsq"), trt.id, conf.level=0.95, missCtrl=NULL, missTreat=NULL, endCtrlPre=NULL, endTreatPre=NULL, endCtrlPost=NULL, endTreatPost=NULL)
speff(formula, endpoint=c("quantitative", "dichotomous"), data, postrandom=NULL, force.in=NULL, nvmax=9, method=c("exhaustive", "forward", "backward"), optimal=c("cp", "bic", "rsq"), trt.id, conf.level=0.95, missCtrl=NULL, missTreat=NULL, endCtrlPre=NULL, endTreatPre=NULL, endCtrlPost=NULL, endTreatPost=NULL)
formula |
a formula object with the response on the left of the |
endpoint |
a character string specifying the type of the response variable. The option " |
data |
a data frame in which to interpret the variables named in the |
postrandom |
a character vector designating postrandomization covariates included in the formula (this argument allows to distinguish baseline from postrandomiation covariates). |
force.in |
a vector of indices to columns of the design matrix that should be included in each regression model. |
nvmax |
the maximum number of covariates considered for inclusion in a model. The default is 9. |
method |
specifies the type of search technique used in the model selection procedure carried out by the
optimal |
specifies the optimization criterion for model selection. The default is " |
trt.id |
a character string specifying the name of the treatment indicator which can be a character or a numeric vector. The control and treatment group is defined by the alphanumeric order of labels used in the treatment indicator. |
conf.level |
the confidence level to be used for confidence intervals reported by |
missCtrl |
estimated probabilities of observing the endpoint based on pre- and postrandomization information in the control group |
missTreat |
estimated probabilities of observing the endpoint based on pre- and postrandomization information in the treatment group |
endCtrlPre |
predicted values of the endpoint using baseline information in the control group only |
endTreatPre |
predicted values of the endpoint using baseline information in the treatment group only |
endCtrlPost |
predicted values of the endpoint using baseline and postrandomization information in the control group |
endTreatPost |
predicted values of the endpoint using baseline and postrandomization information in the treatment group |
The treatment effect is represented by the mean difference or the log odds ratio for a quantitative or dichotomous endpoint, respectively. Estimates of the treatment effect that ignore baseline covariates (naive) are included in the output.
Using the automated model selection procedure performed by regsubsets
, four optimal regression models are
developed for the study endpoint. Initially, all baseline and postrandomization covariates specified in the formula
are considered for inclusion by the model selection procedure carried out separately in each treatment group. The
optimal models are used to construct predicted values of the endpoint. Subsequently, in each treatment group, another
regression model is fitted that includes only baseline covariates that were selected in the previous optimization.
Then predicted values of the endpoint are computed based on these models. If missingness occurs in the endpoint
variable, the model selection procedure is additionally used to determine the optimal models for predicting
whether a subject has an observed endpoint, separately in each treatment group.
The function regsubsets
conducts optimization of linear regression models only. The following modification
in the model selection is adopted for a dichotomous variable: initially, a logistic regression model is fitted
with all baseline and postrandomization covariates included in the formula. Subsequently, an optimal model is
selected by using a weighted linear regression with weights from the last iteration of the IWLS algorithm.
The optimal model is then refitted by logistic regression.
Besides using the built-in model selection algorithms, the user has the option to explicitly enter predicted values of the endpoint as well as estimated probabilities of observing the endpoint if it is missing at random.
returns an object of class "speff
" which can be processed by
to obtain or print a summary of the results. An object of class "speff
is a list containing the following components:
coef |
a matrix with estimates of treatment-specific mean responses and the treatment effect. |
cov |
a list with components |
varbeta |
a numeric vector of variance estimates of the naive and semiparametric treatment effect estimates. |
formula |
a list with components |
rsq |
a numeric vector of the R-squared statistics for the optimal selected regression models predicting
the study endpoint. Set to |
endpoint |
" |
postrandom |
a character vector of postrandomization covariates considered for selection. |
predicted |
a logical vector; if |
conf.level |
confidence level of the confidence intervals reported by |
method |
search technique employed in the model selection procedure. |
n |
number of subjects in each treatment group. |
Robins JM, Rotnitzky A, Zhao LP. (1994), "Estimation of regression coefficients when some regressors are not always observed.", Journal of the American Statistical Association, 89:846–66.
Tsiatis AA, Davidian M, Zhang M, Lu X. (2007), "Covariate adjustment for two-sample treatment comparisons in randomized clinical trials: A principled yet flexible approach.", Statistics in Medicine, 27:4658–4677.
Zhang M, Tsiatis AA, Davidian M. (2008), "Improving efficiency of inferences in randomized clinical trials using auxiliary covariates.", Biometrics, 64:707–715.
Davidian M, Tsiatis AA, Leon S. (2005), "Semiparametric estimation of treatment effect in a pretest-posttest study with missing data.", Statistical Science, 20:261–301.
Zhang M, Gilbert P. (2009), "Increasing the efficiency of prevential trials by incorporating baseline covariates.", manuscript.
str(ACTG175) ### treatment effect estimation with a quantitative endpoint missing ### at random fit1 <- speff(cd496 ~ age+wtkg+hemo+homo+drugs+karnof+oprior+preanti+ race+gender+str2+strat+symptom+cd40+cd420+cd80+cd820+offtrt, postrandom=c("cd420","cd820","offtrt"), data=ACTG175, trt.id="treat") ### 'fit2' adds quadratic effects of CD420 and CD820 and their ### two-way interaction fit2 <- speff(cd496 ~ age+wtkg+hemo+homo+drugs+karnof+oprior+preanti+ race+gender+str2+strat+symptom+cd40+cd420+I(cd420^2)+cd80+cd820+ I(cd820^2)+cd420:cd820+offtrt, postrandom=c("cd420","I(cd420^2)", "cd820","I(cd820^2)","cd420:cd820","offtrt"), data=ACTG175, trt.id="treat") ### 'fit3' uses R-squared as the optimization criterion fit3 <- speff(cd496 ~ age+wtkg+hemo+homo+drugs+karnof+oprior+preanti+ race+gender+str2+strat+symptom+cd40+cd420+cd80+cd820+offtrt, postrandom=c("cd420","cd820","offtrt"), data=ACTG175, trt.id="treat", optimal="rsq") ### a dichotomous response is created with missing values maintained ACTG175$cd496bin <- ifelse(ACTG175$cd496 > 250, 1, 0) ### treatment effect estimation with a dichotomous endpoint missing ### at random fit4 <- speff(cd496bin ~ age+wtkg+hemo+homo+drugs+karnof+oprior+preanti+ race+gender+str2+strat+symptom+cd40+cd420+cd80+cd820+offtrt, postrandom=c("cd420","cd820","offtrt"), data=ACTG175, trt.id="treat", endpoint="dichotomous")
str(ACTG175) ### treatment effect estimation with a quantitative endpoint missing ### at random fit1 <- speff(cd496 ~ age+wtkg+hemo+homo+drugs+karnof+oprior+preanti+ race+gender+str2+strat+symptom+cd40+cd420+cd80+cd820+offtrt, postrandom=c("cd420","cd820","offtrt"), data=ACTG175, trt.id="treat") ### 'fit2' adds quadratic effects of CD420 and CD820 and their ### two-way interaction fit2 <- speff(cd496 ~ age+wtkg+hemo+homo+drugs+karnof+oprior+preanti+ race+gender+str2+strat+symptom+cd40+cd420+I(cd420^2)+cd80+cd820+ I(cd820^2)+cd420:cd820+offtrt, postrandom=c("cd420","I(cd420^2)", "cd820","I(cd820^2)","cd420:cd820","offtrt"), data=ACTG175, trt.id="treat") ### 'fit3' uses R-squared as the optimization criterion fit3 <- speff(cd496 ~ age+wtkg+hemo+homo+drugs+karnof+oprior+preanti+ race+gender+str2+strat+symptom+cd40+cd420+cd80+cd820+offtrt, postrandom=c("cd420","cd820","offtrt"), data=ACTG175, trt.id="treat", optimal="rsq") ### a dichotomous response is created with missing values maintained ACTG175$cd496bin <- ifelse(ACTG175$cd496 > 250, 1, 0) ### treatment effect estimation with a dichotomous endpoint missing ### at random fit4 <- speff(cd496bin ~ age+wtkg+hemo+homo+drugs+karnof+oprior+preanti+ race+gender+str2+strat+symptom+cd40+cd420+cd80+cd820+offtrt, postrandom=c("cd420","cd820","offtrt"), data=ACTG175, trt.id="treat", endpoint="dichotomous")
conducts estimation and testing of the treatment effect in a two-group randomized
clinical trial with a right-censored time-to-event endpoint. It improves efficiency by leveraging baseline predictors
of the endpoint.
speffSurv(formula, data, force.in=NULL, nvmax=9, method=c("exhaustive", "forward", "backward"), optimal=c("cp", "bic", "rsq"), trt.id, conf.level=0.95, fixed=FALSE)
speffSurv(formula, data, force.in=NULL, nvmax=9, method=c("exhaustive", "forward", "backward"), optimal=c("cp", "bic", "rsq"), trt.id, conf.level=0.95, fixed=FALSE)
formula |
a formula object with the response variable on the left of the |
data |
a data frame in which to interpret the variables named in the |
force.in |
a vector of indices to columns of the design matrix that should be included in each regression model. |
nvmax |
the maximum number of covariates considered for inclusion in a model. The default is 9. |
method |
specifies the type of search technique used in the model selection procedure carried out by the
optimal |
specifies the optimization criterion for model selection. The default is " |
trt.id |
a character string specifying the name of the treatment indicator which can be a character or a numeric vector. The control and treatment group is defined by the alphanumeric order of labels used in the treatment indicator. |
conf.level |
the confidence level to be used for confidence intervals reported by |
fixed |
logical value; if |
The treatment effect is represented by the (unadjusted) log hazard ratio for the treatment versus control group. The estimate of the treatment effect using the (unadjusted) proportional hazards model is included in the output.
Using the automated model selection procedure performed by regsubsets
, two optimal linear regression models
are developed to characterize the influence function of an estimator that is more efficient
than the maximum partial likelihood estimator. The "efficient" influence function is searched in the space of
influence functions that determine all regular and asymptotically linear estimators for the treatment effect
(for definitions see, for example, Tsiatis, 2006). The space of influence functions has three components: the
estimation space that characterizes all regular and asymptotically linear estimators that do not use baseline
covariates. The other two subspaces, the randomization and censoring space, use baseline covariates to improve
the efficiency in the estimation of the treatment effect (Lu, 2008). The automated model selection procedure is
used to identify functions in the randomization and censoring space that satisfy a prespecified optimality criterion
and that lead to efficiency gain by using baseline predictors of the outcome.
The user has the option to avoid the automated variable selection and, instead, use all variables specified in the
formula for the estimation of the treatment effect. This is achieved by setting fixed=TRUE
does not allow missing values in the data.
returns an object of class "speffSurv
" which can be processed by summary.speffSurv
to obtain or print a summary of the results. An object of class "speffSurv
is a list containing the following components:
beta |
a numeric vector with estimates of the treatment effect from the unadjusted proportional hazards model and the semiparametric efficient model using baseline covariates, respectively. |
varbeta |
a numeric vector of variance estimates for the treatment effect estimates in |
formula |
a list with components |
fixed |
a logical value; if |
conf.level |
confidence level of the confidence intervals reported by |
method |
search technique employed in the model selection procedure. |
n |
number of subjects in each treatment group. |
Lu X, Tsiatis AA. (2008), "Improving the efficiency of the log-rank test using auxiliary covariates.", Biometrika, 95:679–694.
Tsiatis AA. (2006), Semiparametric Theory and Missing Data., New York: Springer.
str(ACTG175) data <- na.omit(ACTG175[ACTG175$arms==0 | ACTG175$arms==1, ]) data <- data[1:100, ] ### efficiency-improved estimation of log hazard ratio using ### baseline covariates ### 'fit1' coerces the use of all specified baseline covariates; ### automated selection procedure is skipped fit1 <- speffSurv(Surv(days,cens) ~ cd40+cd80+age, data=data, trt.id="arms", fixed=TRUE) fit2 <- speffSurv(Surv(days,cens) ~ cd40+cd80+age+wtkg+drugs+karnof+z30+ preanti+symptom, data=data, trt.id="arms")
str(ACTG175) data <- na.omit(ACTG175[ACTG175$arms==0 | ACTG175$arms==1, ]) data <- data[1:100, ] ### efficiency-improved estimation of log hazard ratio using ### baseline covariates ### 'fit1' coerces the use of all specified baseline covariates; ### automated selection procedure is skipped fit1 <- speffSurv(Surv(days,cens) ~ cd40+cd80+age, data=data, trt.id="arms", fixed=TRUE) fit2 <- speffSurv(Surv(days,cens) ~ cd40+cd80+age+wtkg+drugs+karnof+z30+ preanti+symptom, data=data, trt.id="arms")
method for an object of class "speff
## S3 method for class 'speff' summary(object,...)
## S3 method for class 'speff' summary(object,...)
object |
an object of class " |
... |
for other methods. |
prints a formatted summary of results. In the initial section, formulas for the optimal
selected regression models are printed with pertaining R-squared statistics for each treatment group.
Further, an inferential table is produced with point and interval estimates of the treatment effect,
standard error estimates, and Wald test p-values using both the naive and covariate-adjusted estimation methods.
At least five significant digits are printed.
A list with the following components:
tab |
inferential table for the treatment effect. |
method |
search technique employed in the model selection procedure. |
rsq |
a numeric vector of the R-squared statistics for the optimal selected regression models predicting the study endpoint. |
formula |
a list with components |
predicted |
a logical vector; if |
### from the example for 'speff': fit1 <- speff(cd496 ~ age+wtkg+hemo+homo+drugs+karnof+oprior+preanti+ race+gender+str2+strat+symptom+cd40+cd420+cd80+cd820+offtrt, postrandom=c("cd420","cd820","offtrt"), data=ACTG175, trt.id="treat") summary(fit1)
### from the example for 'speff': fit1 <- speff(cd496 ~ age+wtkg+hemo+homo+drugs+karnof+oprior+preanti+ race+gender+str2+strat+symptom+cd40+cd420+cd80+cd820+offtrt, postrandom=c("cd420","cd820","offtrt"), data=ACTG175, trt.id="treat") summary(fit1)
method for an object of class "speffSurv
## S3 method for class 'speffSurv' summary(object,...)
## S3 method for class 'speffSurv' summary(object,...)
object |
an object of class " |
... |
for other methods. |
prints a formatted summary of results. In the initial section, right-sided formulas
defining the optimal selected functions in the randomization and censoring space are printed. Further, an inferential
table is generated with point and interval estimates of the log hazard ratio, standard error estimates, and Wald test
p-values using both the proportional hazards and covariate-adjusted estimation methods. At least five significant
digits are printed.
A list with the following components:
tab |
inferential table for the treatment effect. |
method |
search technique employed in the model selection procedure. |
formula |
a list with components |
fixed |
a logical value; if |
### from the example for 'speffSurv': data <- na.omit(ACTG175[ACTG175$arms==0 | ACTG175$arms==1, ]) data <- data[1:100, ] fit1 <- speffSurv(Surv(days,cens) ~ cd40+cd80+age, data=data, trt.id="arms", fixed=TRUE) summary(fit1)
### from the example for 'speffSurv': data <- na.omit(ACTG175[ACTG175$arms==0 | ACTG175$arms==1, ]) data <- data[1:100, ] fit1 <- speffSurv(Surv(days,cens) ~ cd40+cd80+age, data=data, trt.id="arms", fixed=TRUE) summary(fit1)